We pride ourselves on our superior service and deep Halal industry expertise. However, don’t just take our word for it. We are accredited by leading global and governmental authorities.
Our international accreditations demonstrate our services are verified to provide credible and professional Halal certification. Accreditation not only facilitates customer trust, but also government trust, with only approved Halal certificates, like ours, being accepted by certain governments. To export your Halal products to a wide range of Halal markets around the world, accredited Halal certification enables your products to be accepted in more countries and can prevent potential issues such as the impounding of products at Halal borders.

Indonesia’s Halal Product Assurance Organising Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal) or BPJPH takes over the halal certification functions previously managed by the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).
BPJPH is tasked with ensuring all products being imported and sold as halal in Indonesia have been approved by an accredited halal certification body such as HCE.
Learn more about BPJPH and the new Indonesian law

Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) is the government authority responsible for Halal in Malaysia. JAKIM regulates Halal product imports into the country to ensure they are approved by a Halal certification body such as HCE. Approval from JAKIM means that HCE certified products can be exported to Malaysia.
Visit the JAKIM site

Turkey/ Turkiye
The OIC/SMIIC 2:2019 standard, established by the SMIIC Committee on Standards for Conformity Assessment, provides a robust framework for Halal certification in Turkey. Products certified by HCE can be sold as Halal in Turkey.

GAC – GCC Accreditations Centre
Gulf Nations
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Republic of Yemen established the Gulf Accreditation Centre (GAC) in 2013. The GAC aims to ensure that facilities comply with relevant international and Gulf standards for food and pharmaceuticals through frequent testing and inspection. The agency also provides accreditation and certification to organisations that comply with applicable standards, including Halal certification.
Visit the GAC site

United Arab Emirates
MoIAT was established as the sole standardization body in the U.A.E. under Law No. 28/2001. MoIATis responsible for all standard issuing activities, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment in the United Arab Emirates.

SFDA - Saudi Food and Drug Authority
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s Food and Drug Authority have introduced their own Halal accreditation system for imported goods, following the lead of its neighbouring Gulf nations. The laws, which first only applied to meat products, have since been broadened to include the majority of food imports into the Kingdom. Accredited Halal certificates such as HCE’s will ensure your products are suitable to be exported to this growing market.

Formed in 1975, Majelis Ulema Indonesia or MUI is a government-mandated agency that provides Halal accreditation, standards and regulations for all Indonesian entities and those based externally. The prime function of MUI is to provide counselling and direction related to Islamic matters and give Halal certification to compliant businesses.

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), also known as the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, was established as a statutory body in 1968 when the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) came into effect. Under AMLA, MUIS is to advise the President on all matters relating to Islam in Singapore. MUIS proffers Halal certification services and regulates Singapore Halal industry. It is also responsible for seeing the diverse interests of Singapore’s Muslim community.
Visit the MUIS site

The Institut Marocain de Normalisation (IMANOR) is Morocco’s official standards and certification authority. We are proud that HCE has been officially recognised by IMANOR as an approved foreign Halal certification body. This recognition allows products certified by HCE to be sold as Halal in Morocco, opening new opportunities for our clients in the Moroccan market.

MFDS – Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) is the primary governmental body regulating food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cosmetics in South Korea. The principal goal of MFDS is to offer people safe foods and drugs, and it also supports the development of the food and pharmaceuticals industries in South Korea.

World Halal Food Council
The World Halal Food Council (WHFC) was born out of an idea from the Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs and Cosmetics. The WHFC also reaffirmed the organisation’s aims, which are to safeguard the implementation of Islamic Law, preserve the uniformity and strength of the organisation, and achieve a novel and global standard.